Filter/find videos by title and description
This is available in version 3.0 of our core plugin
* The Videolist page will allow you to retrieve videos as usually from our API, then using filters you can filter through those retrieved videos.
You can do so by searching for match in title, description, custom data, tags and moderation reasons.
Additional filtering was added to allow searching for SD or HD videos or those with effects
in progress
Ziggeo: Can the file name be the default "Title"
Jeff: That would actually be handled by this feature request:
While it is not really possible to do during uploading, it might be doable after the uploading has finished, however would need more testing to be sure.
We will post an update on shortly.
As our API does not have this feature it would not be possible to do so, however what we could do is to load some videos and then filter those loaded videos for any value within the title, description or the custom data.
While it might seem like the same, there is a big difference which would be noticeable if you have for example 1000 videos.
By default we load 100 videos through API (max limit) to the Videos List page. Adding the filtering as described above would allow to check these 100 videos for existence of this data. The 900 other videos would not be filtered through until the information about them is also retrieved.
Would this help in your use case?
Ziggeo: That would help, but I assume you also only load the tags for 100 videos as well?
Is it possible to load just the metadata for more than 100 videos for filtering purposes?
Jeff: Our API allows searching by tags. So if you used the API to find videos with some tag, then you would actually get up to 100 videos that have that tag present (and none of those that do not).
Calling again would return next 100.
This 100 items max limitation is present because otherwise it would be easier to abuse API (such as DOS attack).
So if the above suggestion of filtering returned videos for title is added, you would still be able to find 100 videos by tag, then just filter through them by these additional meta fields.
The reason why meta data is not indexable through our API is because such data is hard to properly structure in database for simple searching as these would be more "costly" (processing wise) calls since the values can be saved in many different formats.
You can however retrieve 100 videos and then call in another 100. I do see that in latest version this is not available in Video List page (is in our API and WP functions) however if needed, would be very easy to change, then by going to last page you would load up additional 100 videos.
In that case and if filter was added as per above, it would be filtering the retrieved videos (200 or more).
Ziggeo: It sounds like the filtering/search is happening on your servers, not on the WP server.
I assume that if I filter by a title keyword (or tag, etc) that the first 100 results are returned, and then with pagnation I can "call" the next 100 results.
If that's the case, then I just need a text field to filter by "Title" and that should be good enough for me.
Jeff: Yes, so current fields in Video List are using our API:Index method to get the videos. So it is filtering on our servers through all videos for video with specific key or token, tag, moderation status and allow you to specify if you want to see older or newer videos first.
So what you have described is true.
What was described above is basically a new sub-filtering on WordPress side of retrieved 100+ videos. By "calling" the next 100 results, you would then filter through those as well.
I believe this would be what you are searching for, so marking it as planned. If not, feel free to let us know.