





2021 - mid July update

We are making a lot of changes to our system. While they are great and are going to allow us to bring many new features, they are not really something we can show you - just yet!
We are however looking to add more of those features that help make your life easier right away and one of such implementations is connected to
Webhooks improvement
Before when you were setting the webhooks up, you would go through "onboarding" steps where you confirm that the URL exists and that it is your URL.
This is great for making sure our system is not used in any bad way, or to put differently, that the webhooks are sent only to the websites where you expect the webhook to be sent / received.
This looked something like so:
{"data"=>{"message"=>"Hi! We're just verifying that the url exists."}
{"data"=>{"validation_code"=>519939, "webhook_id"=>"xxxxxxxx"}}
Now however this data will look like so:
{"data"=>{"ziggeo_validation"=>true, "message"=>"Hi! We're just verifying that the url exists."}
{"data"=>{"ziggeo_validation"=>true, "validation_code"=>519939, "webhook_id"=>"xxxxxxxx"}}
As you can tell right away, the difference is in added
that helps you know and code / prepare more easily for the validation steps and for the actual messages / communication.
  • No update needed unless you want to be aware if the
    is set (and true).
Embedding sizing
We have made many updates to how different elements of our embeddings are reacting on your website. We have removed the need for the streetch family of parameters and your video should be much better presented.
  • No update is needed as long as you are using the latest r38 revision.
Shared accounts invites
It is now going to be even simpler for people you share your app with to join you if they are new to our platform. Before, they were presented with different questions about them, while now we only ask for really needed info.
  • No change is needed on your side, this is automatically applied to new invites.
Multiple file upload on iOS through React Native SDK
Before this was working on Android just fine however under specific circumstances it was not for iOS. This has now been resolved and working properly.
  • Update is needed to the latest React Native SDK
Custom covershots
It was possible to add your own customer covershots to your video, however a bug was present that did not allow this. At this time this has been fixed and you can continue adding your own custom covershots :)
  • Update is needed to latest r38
Dashboard icons
We have made it possible for you to change the icons that we show next to your application. This new option is found under your Manage section right next to setting to set/change the title of your application.
It will make it possible for you to spice up your applications list with some custom icons.
Embedding info cache is actively updated
Before our cache was used to not make as many calls to our servers when info you are after was already downloaded. Now in response to some of our calls such as verified we also get a fresh new info from our servers (without making additional calls for it).
We are now utilizing these events where we get the new / fresh info from our servers to refresh the cached in info.
Custom Trim
The trimming feature was added recently. Shortly we extended it to allow you to set the times for the person recording the video.
This brings two different feature requests from you:
The way you would set up your recorder is with the following parameters:
- This is needed to be set ( as true) to allow trimming. Only if it is true will the other parameters listed here work.
- Defaults to True. When true, the person recording the video is shown the trim screen allowing them to select the trimming start and end points. When set to false, you will be able to set the start and end points through the JS code.
Trimming method:
Your recorder will now show support for
If your recorder is set under a variable called
, you would call it as so:
recorder.trim(start_time_in_seconds, end_time_in_seconds);
Trimming events:
Now, you know the parameters and you know the method yet something might seem to be missing. If you did feel that way, you were right. Luckily it is only the info, so lets start by providing some.
- event that fires once the recorder enters the trimming state. This is when you could for example set the codes to fire with start and end time.
- event that fires after the video has been trimmed. This event will provide you with the start time, end time and also full length of the original video, allowing you to know what exactly was trimmed.
Want to see more info? Let us know by creating new feature requests what seems great to add. Feel free to also reach out to our support at if you need any assistance with the implementation of anything mentioned above.